About me

As a music psychology scholar based in the College of Healthcare Sciences at James Cook University, Dr Amanda Krause studies how we experience music in our everyday lives. Her research asks how our musical experiences influence our health and well-being.
Amanda is the author of numerous academic publications and currently serves as President of Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS). She has also spoken on her research to academics and industry leaders at conferences around the world, to students through programs like Skype A Scientist and STEM Professionals in Schools, and to members of the general public via radio show appearances and events like Pint Of Science.

In addition to her position as a Senior Lecturer (Psychology) at James Cook University, Amanda is an Honorary Fellow at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (The University of Melbourne) and an Honorary Research Associate at the Telethon Kids Institute. 

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=AkRI08UAAAAJ&hl=en
OrcID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3049-9220
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1692705/amanda-krause/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amanda_Krause
AcademiaEdu: https://jamescook.academia.edu/AmandaKrause

With regard to the 2020 Australian field of research codes, Dr Krause's music psychology research can be classified as pertaining to Psychology (52) and Music (32). For more information about her research, take a look at the Projects page.

Amanda also co-leads the Psychology Research Education Group at JCU, which focuses on innovative scholarship of teaching and learning in the discipline of psychology. Additionally, details about her teaching and mentoring activities are found on the Teaching page.

Get in touch:

contact email: researchaboutlistening@gmail.com

uni email: amanda.krause1[at]jcu.edu.au

About music psychology

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